At the Heart of Innovation

Hey, nice to have you here! We are Myproscaleâ„¢, a cool German start-up from Berlin that wants to shake up the body fat scale industry. Why? Because we're fed up with inaccurate scales and feel it's time to change that.

Our story begins with a pretty annoying experience that you've probably had too: you buy a body fat scale and the results are just not reliable. That's exactly what we want to change! We're committed to providing you and everyone else with an accurate and reliable way to stay on top of your fitness goals.

A team. Many ideas

Our team is made up of people like you and me: experts from various fields such as technology, nutrition and sport, who all have the same goal - to develop a really good body fat scale that differs from the The crowd stands out.

We love innovation and take great pride in designing a scale that rocks when it comes to accuracy and ease of use. Our scales are the result of hard work, sweaty research and the use of cutting-edge technologies and materials.

Thanks to our close cooperation with fitness and health professionals and direct contact with our customers, we can always improve our products and tailor them perfectly to your needs.

our mission

Our mission? Helping you achieve your goals - whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or just live a healthier life. With Myproscaleâ„¢ you get a body fat scale that you can really rely on.

Your trust means everything to us and we work every day to make our products and our service even better. Our customer support is always there for you if you have any questions or problems.

Join the Myproscale family and experience for yourself how our ingenious body fat scales can change your life. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey to a fitter, happier self

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